Design attractive Banners within minutes with Banner Designer Pro

Banner maker software at flat 50% off. 300+ templates. 400+ backgrounds, easy interface, multiple formats output and many more. Attract visitors by making powerful banners with banner making software.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

3D tool adds directional flow

Jeff Lowe, consultant and immersive tool architect with Immersive Life, demonstrated the second version of his BrainBoard three dimensional collaboration tool today on ReactionGrid. This tool allows users to create visual representations of flowcharts, diagrams, and brainstorming sessions and integrate it with a Web-based hosted database or a private server-based database. This new version has many special effects like you can place text and squares, circles and other diagram symbols on a primary white board and a second supplemental white board, then connect them with lines. The new version uses special effects to create directional flows along the lines.

For more information, please read:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Banners Helps To Increase Traffic On Your Website

Banners are the most effective and victorious way to interact your business with the targeted audience. Banners are the only medium through which you can easily attract customers towards your business. There are some important facts that should be considered before advertising through banners. The most important point is to decide upon the target audience and how can they be targeted. This work requires some research. You have to know about what the targeted audience wants and how can you give them. The other thing is the content of the banners. Always the content of the banners should matched with the theme of the advertisement. The advertising banners must be placed somewhere which gets the maximum attention of the customers.
For designing such type of successful banners, there are many banner maker tools available on the web. BannerDesignerPro a banner making software that provide various features for designing banners for your business.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Legends Of Graphic Design Industry

Graphic design is very important part in our life. It is present in every package and product of this modern world. It fills every walking moment of our day. Although the graphic design discipline was introduced less than a century ago, the world has since come to rely upon it. Therefore, it is very important to reveal the people who played an important role in setting the graphics principles. There are some people who are considered as the most influential in the field of graphic in other words they the true legends of the Graphic Design Industry. Example is Charles Csuri (Father of Computer Graphics)

To know more about Graphic Legends, please visit:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Website Design Tips Guaranteed to Improve Your Site

If you are doing online business then your website is your main focus. Because your website design helps to grow your online business. There are some design strategies mentioned below that help you a lot in improving your website design.
1) Firstly your website navigation menu, be sure the website navigation menu in your site is clear and understandable.
2) Secondly, the load speed of your site. Your website should not contain too many graphics and photos because it make your site load speed extremely slow. You should use only graphics that are necessary for the site.
3) Write short paragraphs and include lot of white spaces that make online reading easy. Suppose if the paragraph is too long then you should break them in shorter ones so that the visitor can easily read the content.
4) You should follow compliance standards of to ensure your site is cross-browser compatible.
5) You can also use tools such as style sheets (CSS) and server side includes (SSI) to organize your content.
6) Don’t get hold away with the number of scripts on your site because too many scripts can slow down the load time just like too many images.